Visitors & Renters |
Dear Guests and Renters,
Welcome to the Lake Michigan Riviera community in New Buffalo Township, Michigan. While you enjoy the amenities the region has to offer, please respect the neighbors who reside all around you. Below are some items to consider during your stay. (Shareable as PDF.)
Call 911 - imminent threat or danger
New Buffalo Township Fire Department: Non-Emergency (269) 469-4993
Berrien County Sheriff Patrol: Non-Emergency (866) 630-7679
For emergency dial 911
The Anti-Noise and Public Nuisance Ordinance NO. 690720 in general states, "No person, firm, or corporation shall cause or create any unreasonable or improper noise or disturbance, injurious to the health, peace and quiet of the residents and property owners of the Township of New Buffalo." Specifically among the noises and disturbances that violate this ordinance are:
For violations of the Anti-Noise and Public Nuisance Ordinance, the RHOA Board has communicated with the Township Supervisor and the Sheriff's Department to compile suggested courses of action :
An amended fireworks ordinance in New Buffalo Township specifies limited dates and hours during which consumer fireworks are permitted, specifically around holidays. Fireworks outside these dates are not permitted. A violation can result in a fine of $1,000.00. Times cited are Eastern time zone:
Rental Properties To rent legally, property owners must abide by the New Buffalo Township Residential Rental and Short Term Rental Licensing Ordinance. A license is granted after inspection to insure minimum standards are met for health, fire, and zoning codes and for property maintenance. Rent only from licensed properties. You can file fire code complaints here.
Beach Access From Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend, please display the green triangular RHOA flag when you set up on the beach to indicate you are a member of the homeowners association or a guest.
There are six access lanes to the waterfront (see map), though not all are always open:
Stone armor protecting shoreline is private property, so transiting across it to skirt high water is considered trespassing.
Rip Currents Rip currents exist along the shoreline of Lake Michigan. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) websites and offer tips on how swimmers can avoid and break the grip of these hazards. A printable poster on rip currents is at
Rip currents are powerful, narrow channels of fast-moving water. Moving at speeds of up to eight feet per second, rip currents can move faster than an Olympic swimmer. Panicked swimmers often try to counter a rip current by swimming straight back to shore—putting themselves at risk of drowning because of fatigue. If caught in a rip current:
Garbage & Recycling Trash goes in the bin labeled LakeShore Recycling & Disposal; recyclables go in the bin labeled Pokagon Fund. Please place your containers 3-4 feet from the edge of the road and 2-3 feet apart from each other. During the coronavirus crisis, garbage must only be in approved containers. The garbage haulers may not pick up items that are outside of the garbage cans.
Speed Limit The roads in our neighborhood are our sidewalks. Please do not exceed the speed limit--20 MPH on Marquette Dr. and 10 MPH on side streets--and do respect the stop signs.
All New Buffalo Township ordinances are listed at
Rev. 2022 May 22