Recycling & Garbage |
The RHOA contracts directly with LakeShore Recycling and Disposal. Lakeshore picks up recycling weekly between Memorial Day through Labor Day and converts to biweekly pickup the remainder of the year.
Garbage must only be in LakeShore Recycling & Disposal's approved containers. The garbage haulers will NOT pick up items that are outside of the garbage cans. Please place your containers 3-4 feet from the edge of the road and 2-3 feet apart from each other.
LakeShore Recycling and Disposal provides eight do's and don'ts in a PDF. Among the tips:
DON’T forget to break down your boxes and place them inside of the recycling toter. You may place broken down boxes that are bundled on top of the recycling tote if you have filled the recycling tote.
DON’T place broken down boxes into a larger box for service, as shown.
DO ensure all trash fits into the provided tote(s).
See 2024 recycling schedule (PDF).
Click here for procedures on how to arrange pick up of yard waste and other large items. The homeowner is responsible for paying Lakeshore Recycling and Disposal.
Click here for items not allowed in your trash container.
Click here for "What can I recycle?"