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Introduction to Outdoor Lighting
Posted on Aug 6th, 2023
An image taken from The Blow with a hand-held cell phone reveals hidden stars of the Milky Way. Thumbnail view shows lines of the Summer Triangle for orientation. Click images for full view.
Outdoor lights have most value when they achieve a specific purpose without impinging on others. Fortunately, with outdoor lights come opportunities to serve that nighttime half of our lives by minimizing errant and excessive light. In the Riviera community, overlit architecture or landscaping is often the source of outdoor light intruding on neighbors. A few simple practices, including flicking off a switch, can serve the nightscape that so many homeowners seek.
Light Pollution
There are three main aspects of light pollution that impinge on humans and the entire natural order:
Five Questions
Dark sky advocates and the lighting industry together have crafted Five Principles for Responsible Outdoor Lighting. Good neighbors should consider these factors in the design and use of their lighting installations. The recommended practices, published jointly by the International Dark-Sky Association and the Illuminating Engineering Society, encourage using lighting that is useful, targeted, no brighter than necessary, controlled, and warm colors.
Light pollution can be lessened if users ask five questions about their lighting installation:
A few simple practices can serve the nightscape that so many homeowners seek. For example, if a carriage light has multiple bulbs, unscrew some. If you aren't in New Buffalo, turn off your lights. Use motion detectors. Don't aim lights upward. Use your necessary outdoor lights, but when done dial it back.
People often are not aware of how their outdoor lights affect others, so please talk directly to your neighbor if you have issues with their lighting practices. At the 2022 RHOA Annual Meeting, President Rob Gow referenced neighborhood lighting. "Tonight after dark please consider where the lighting on the exterior of your home shines. If the lighting on your home extends onto your next door neighbors home to the side, in front or rear you might want to consider reducing the lighting out of courtesy to those who come to the Riviera for peaceful dark night sky's away from the city and suburban lights."
Of course, many thanks go to the homeowners who have responded to the request for less errant and excessive lighting. May you have a visceral experience under a truly dark sky and, as Walt Whitman wrote, "Look up in perfect silence at the stars."